Don’t miss these 7 words of encouragement for women – especially moms- who don’t want to just survive, but overcome negativity while they have young kids. It can be done! Plus gain access to the “5 Days To Positive Thinking” Email Challenge.
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This is the first post in the New Mom Encouragement Series! Be sure to check out the other posts below!

I sat in my car, knowing I had a choice to make:
Would I let the next six months go by and not reach out to the friends I’d meant to connect with, knowing I’d be moving soon? Or would I risk putting myself out there, not knowing how anyone would respond?
I had survived the first 18 months of our time in Coronado with the help of many wonderful people. My husband deployed for 7 months during that time, and I delivered our third daughter without him.
Even with all that support, I had holed up, recovering from my c-section and the perpetual deployment exhaustion.
Even though social activities surrounded me, I didn’t have a lot of energy or time for them with the pile of duties at home. Keeping my kids happy and healthy dominated my priorities, leaving little for my own social ventures.
Table of Contents
Time To Reach Out?
The many lovely ladies I had met all seemed to have their own people, their own tribe. I was unsure how to break in, or how to get to know people with such a short time left in town.
But now that my husband was home and I felt more like myself than I had in the past several months, I prayerfully asked God for wisdom on how to proceed.
Today I wanted to share some key encouragement for women who want to thrive during the challenging season of raising young kids. I know that our energy is so limited, it’s hard to make any effort at all.
Want to gain more confidence and overcome negative thinking? Start the “5 Days To Positive Thinking” email challenge. Click this button to learn more:
Here Are 7 Words Of Encouragement For Women On How To Thrive As A Mom:
1- Live In Your True Identity
While I didn’t have a lot of outward connection during that season, I spent a lot of time inwardly processing. I grew a lot in how to live in my true identity which made a huge difference in my confidence and peace.
I got to the bottom of myths that kept me from feeling like a good mother, and embrace the knowledge that God created me the way I am with a purpose.
Even though sometimes I feel like my girls are getting my leftovers, I know that all I can do is my best. If I blow it, I can rest in God’s forgiveness and keep moving forward.
2- Learn To Stay Positive And Fight Negative Thoughts
One way I’ve been able to stay strong in my identity is by learning to fight against negative thoughts. I wrote a letter To The Mom Who Gets Stuck In Negative Thoughts as a way to express my story and help people who also struggle in that way.

I also created the
Even with what I've learned, I even struggled with negative thoughts when creating the positive thinking challenge. Changing our mindset is a life-long goal but I'm happy to say that I've seen huge improvements and am constantly growing in this area.
If you're a new mom and need some straight-up inspiration, then check out these posts with tons of inspirational quotes and encouragement for women:
21 Inspirational First Time Mom Quotes
18 Valuable Words Of Encouragement For Mothers Of Newborns
3- Learn To View Life From God's Perspective And Grow In Contentment
Sometimes during the most challenging times as moms, it's easy to see our kids as a burden or something we have to "deal with" instead of seeing our children as a blessing.
If we can shift our perspective and line it up with God's word, we'll be better able to recognize that we have the strength we need if we can remember to receive it. We try to do so much in our own strength, when God's strength is available to us.
One way I've learned to see God's perspective is to go deeper into the Bible and study about Contentment in God. Our lives change quickly as circumstances get better or worse and I tend to either put my hope in the good, or whine about the bad.
So I had to answer the question, what is finding contentment? And where am I really putting my hope?
As I started to peel back those layers, I remembered times I believed certain things that weren't true at all. Like when I Thought God Couldn’t Hug Me (And 3 Other Silly Things I Believed).
4- Don't Give Way To Fear
As a mom, I've faced many new fears that I didn't expect.
Like, the fear that comes from the huge responsibility of keeping my children alive. And of letting them go off to pre-school and elementary school, knowing I won't be in control of what happens to them while there. Or the fear of stepping out to try and make new friends.
I've asked the question many times, How do I trust God for my family's safety? And I've had to fall back on the truth of that again and again.
We have a God who is bigger than our fears. We can trust Him, but we have to stay close to God's word and constantly remind ourselves of His character, his sovereignty above it all, and his ability to walk with us through our difficult circumstances.
Fear is another topic we discuss in the "5 Days to Positive Thinking" Email Challenge. Click this button to learn more:
5- Keep A Sense Of Humor
Sometimes we just have to laugh. At ourselves, at life, and at the time I made air-popped popcorn and bugs came out instead. For reals. It was gross.
My husband keeps me laughing thankfully. And kids are a good source of humor too. Endless entertainment, we always say.
6- Looking Outside Yourself Is An Encouragement For Women
Thinking of others is a great way to thrive when you have young kids. Of course, raising little ones is basically thinking of others 100% of the time. So sometimes you have to take care of yourself first and make sure you're recharged.
But if you're feeling strong and have some energy, there are still ways for busy moms to make a difference. One way is volunteering or just taking a meal to a friend who has a new baby. It's the little things, and helping others brings a lot of joy.
7- Prioritize Making Friends And Staying Connected
In my story from the top, after praying about how to proceed, I decided to text a few friends and see if they wanted to join me for an evening Bible study. I didn't know how any of them would respond, but I put myself out there.
Since we've moved so much, I've learned a lot about how to make friends as an adult. In this case, as in others, taking a little risk had a big reward.
We ended up getting 5 ladies together every week for a few months, and I really connected with those women! Our relationships grew deeper, we grew in our faith, and I was so happy I stepped out of my comfort zone.
I encourage you to prioritize friendships and making connections. It does take time and effort, but there are many ways to work at it. Here are some conversation starters to make friends if you need some ideas.

If you need more confidence to make new friends, or just want to win the battle with negative thoughts, you can start the "5 Days To Positive Thinking" email challenge today! Click this button to learn more:
How To Thrive As A Mom
In this busy season of motherhood, we have tough choices about how we spend our precious time and energy (the little we have left!).
I encourage you to incorporate these words of encouragement for women like us: Reach out, live in the truth of who you are, and take it one day at a time!
The "New Mom Encouragement" Series
This is the first post in the New Mom Encouragement Series! Be sure to check out the other posts below!
- 7 Words Of Encouragement For Women To Overcome Feelings Of Failure (this post)
- 5 Myths That Kept Me From Feeling Like A Good Mother
- I Thought God Couldn’t Hug Me (And 3 Other Silly Things I Believed)
- How To Live In Your True Identity (And Help Your Kids To As Well)
- How To Find Contentment In God (As A Tired Mom)
- 7 Important Ways To Take Care Of Yourself First As A New Mom
- You Know What To Do. Here’s How To Gain Confidence In Your Own Parenting
- To My Girls Who Get Mommy’s Leftovers When I Help Your Two Sisters
- 18 Simple Ways For Busy Moms To Make A Difference