Functional home organization is not out of reach. Try starting one of these 5 habits and you’ll be on your way to becoming highly organized! Plus, grab my free “How To Declutter” Checklist to start getting control over your stuff! Click this button to download:

I clear off the counter, and 5 minutes later I set today’s mail on the pristine surface with a wince. The seven stuffed animals in the living room need to migrate upstairs, but I’m not going anytime soon, so they lay flopped in the corner staring at me like animals gazing out a pet store window.
And magazines, homework, and library books shuffle from the table to any available flat surface when I’m in a scurry to get dinner on the table.
Do you feel me?
We can organize till we huff and puff, but how do we keep it tidy?
I’ve organized too many times just to come back days, months, or even minutes later and find a pile of sweatshirts and coats where I just cleaned off the couch, and a new toy laying in the open because it doesn’t have a home yet.
It’s time for an intervention to not only tidy up, but keep the house more tidy from day to day.

Table of Contents
5 Important Habits You Need To Become More Highly Organized As A Mom
Here are 5 habits we moms need to maintain all that organizing we’re doing, and keep things more tidy and less chaotic around the house.
1- Highly Organized Moms Put Things Away Immediately
Put your stuff away? Now I really sound like your mom.
Actually, my mom is way better than I am at dealing with messes and piles right away. I don’t think I got that gene from her, so I need to dig down and create that habit.
I’ve noticed that when I’m walking past out-of-place items, if I grab them and move them where they should go, it helps immensely. Or even if I at least move them towards where they go, it helps.
I don’t actually consider myself highly organized, but I know that the faster I put things away, the more organized my home will be.
2- Get More Organized With A Basket To Collect Stray Items
Toys, trinkets, random hair things.. they find their way around my house and onto every flat surface. To get more organized you can even leave a cute decorative basket at the bottom or top of the stairs or at the end of a hallway.
At the end of the day you can easily tote everything that needs to be put back to it’s proper spot.
And actually, you can just put a basket at both ends of the space and swap them when you’re putting items away. Whatever makes it easiest for you!
If you want to take your spaces to the next level, don’t miss my FREE “How To Declutter” Checklist! Click this image to download:
3- Clear Off Flat Spaces For A More Tidy Look
Clearing off flat spaces has seriously been one of my hardest habits to create and consistently do.
It’s so hard to not set something down where it doesn’t belong… and it’s even harder to make a point to clear off that surface and not allow things to pile up. I’m a piler, so I am still working on making this a consistent habit. So hard for me!
I’ve mentioned that one reason I love to help people do is be more tidy without being OCD or having everything in it’s place. However, there’s a balance, and we need to still make habits of clearing off spaces and putting things away.
Otherwise the mess can get out of control fast.
4- Organize Items By Giving Them A New Home
This is a new idea for me. I’ve recently learned that, hey, if you don’t want clutter on your counter, make a home for it elsewhere.
You mean, that pile of papers actually doesn’t have to live on the end of my kitchen counter? **Lightbulb moment.** I have a place for papers there, but it gets out of control right out in the open. But I can make a new home base for that stuff.
It might take a little creative thinking, but it’s doable. I hadn’t considered that before for some reason. So remember, it’s never too late to start something new or learn a new hack!
5- Tidy People Are Quick To Go Through Paperwork
Once again, this hits me where it hurts. I’ll just be honest and say that paperwork is the bane of my existence. It’s SO easy for me to ignore papers like mail, for longer than I should. Days. Weeks. Ahem.
The best thing to do is dump/recycle/deal with it right away. And I have made great strides in this area, for sure. I can still use more improvement!
I mean, I could leave the bill on the counter for a week, or I could just pay it right now. Which do you think would look less cluttered?
Of course, dealing with it now is the most tidy. But it’s not easy– it’s a discipline, and it can be tough.
Making Being Highly Organized Your Newest Habit
Becoming tidy is a work in progress, especially for someone like me who does NOT naturally need to have everything in its place. I’m someone who can overlook a pile for a good long while, so intentionally dealing with it takes a lot of oomph.
Even if that pile is a bunch of stuffed animals looking as lonely as puppies in a pet store window.
If you’re like me, we have to take it day by day, plugging away and working to change our habits.
So if you’re looking for some new organization habits, start with one of these. Put things away. Collect items in a basket. Clear off a flat space, or give an item a new home. Which habit would be most helpful for you?
The “Get Organized” Series
Check out the other posts in the series for more organizing hacks!
- The Best 24+ Ways To Stay Organized, Plus Product Ideas
- 5 Important Habits You Need To Become More Highly Organized As A Mom
- Out Of Room? Get 22 Storage Solutions For Small Spaces
- 3 Helpful Methods That Will Simplify Decluttering Your Home
- 12 Creative Storage Tips That Will Make Your Playroom Sparkle
- 9 Amazing Organizing Solutions For Keeping Your Living Room Tidy
- 10 Powerful Motivators To Start Organizing Your Home