Table of Contents
(And Why I’m Glad I Did!)

This past week I focused all my blogging efforts on creating and launching the 5-Days To Positive Thinking Challenge for moms! I was really excited to dive in and create the content as well as get it out to you.
However, it was a huge reality check. Throughout the whole time I was working to fine-tune the challenge, negative thoughts attacked me relentlessly.
- I felt like I could never finish it.
- Worries about my kids flooded my mind and distracted me.
- I got irritatable and moody and I let my attitude dictate my actions. Then I took it out on my family.
- Add to that a pile of guilt for even hoping that I could help someone else build a stronger mindset through a positive thinking challenge.
I felt stuck.
But you know what happened?
I sat down, got with the Lord and asked Him to help me get out of my funk. I had to read through every word I was writing and actually put it to use. All the encouragement, the tips, the tools– I re-read the truths I’ve learned and put them into practice.
Even though I had used all the tools so many times before, when things got easy or I felt like I was doing ok with my mindset, I got comfortable. I didn’t need the constant reminder so I didn’t keep these things in the forefront of my mind.
But when I started to struggle, I had to come back and dial it back into the basics such as:
- What is causing my negativity?
- Am I dwelling on negative thoughts or resisting them?
- What can I do to counter those thoughts and push past them?
- Whose strength am I relying on– my own, or God’s?
It’s ironic that I was going through such a battle during this time of preparation, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence. I believe that the enemy of our souls doesn’t want you to be encouraged, and He wants to get me down enough that I can’t pass on all I have learned. He wants to rob us all of the peace that is already ours in Christ!

I don’t want to let the enemy rob us!
I have come so far in this process, thanks be to God, that I am NOT willing to go backward here.
We all make mistakes, and struggles can continue to plague us. But here’s what made this time of struggle different for me:
- I recognized it faster.
- I knew exactly how to handle it.
- Even though the negative thoughts and feelings didn’t instantly just “poof” away, I knew how to rely on God’s strength to keep resisting them.
- When I let my discouragement get the best of me, I didn’t wallow in the guilt or allow the enemy to make me feel condemned– I knew how to stand in the forgiveness of Christ.
If you are struggling with negativity, discouragement, worry, fear, or just can’t get a hold on your mindset, I feel you.
I encourage you to start my 5-Day positive thinking challenge. [Challenge currently closed]
The “5 Days to Positive Thinking” daily lessons will help you learn exactly what I did to walk through my discouragement.
You can get through your own mental battles and back into peace!
Having the tools to conquer our negative thinking doesn’t mean that discouraging thoughts or negative feelings won’t ever come back. It means that when they do come, we know how to handle them and persevere through them.
What You’ll Receive During The 5-Day Email Challenge:
- One (1) Kickstart Positive Thinking (PTK) email from me each day for five (5) days.
- A Daily Assignment
- Printable pages for notes
- Lots of inspiration, tools, motivation, and direction to help you start thinking more positively and begin living in more peace!