As a mom, it’s hard to get stuff done when you have a newborn. Get 9 hacks to help complete your to-do list, plus grab my free “How To Declutter” Checklist! Click this button to download:

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I scooted onto my chair at the table where a plate of piping hot food sat waiting for me. My stomach growled as the yummy smells enticed me to dive in.
Then I heard it.
How does she always know when I’m about to eat? I moaned as I left the deliciousness right where it sat and went to scoop up my newborn baby.
The meal would have to wait.
I can’t tell you how often I’m about to do something– whether eat, clean something up, or just check another item off my to-do list, when I’m sucked away by the needs of one of my children.
That’s the nature of mom life!
But as much as we love to care for our kids, we moms gotta get stuff done once in a while!
But as much as we love to care for our kids, we moms gotta get stuff done once in a while! #newmom #getstuffdone Share on XUse my tried and true tips below to help you accomplish your daily goals, even with a newborn baby in the house.
Table of Contents
1- Use An Infant Sleep Schedule
An infant sleep schedule, also known as a baby routine, gives you pockets of time when you know your newborn will be napping.
Though I don’t recommend going exactly “by the clock,” using a routine helps you have predictable windows in your schedule where you are free to get stuff done.
In addition, implementing a gentle routine at a young age can often help your child sleep through the night within the first few months of life.
When baby and mama are getting more rest, your daily productivity soars!
And with that boost of energy, you won’t want to miss my free printable “How To Declutter” Checklist. You’ll know exactly where to start and can get control of your spaces right away! Click this image to download:
2- Put Baby In A Safe Space
You can get a lot done by putting baby in a safe space for short spurts at a time. They can play, bounce, or check out the scenery while you cook, clean, shower, or even read a magazine. (What?! Who has time for that?! LOL)
*Note that some of these spaces aren’t approved for sleep.
Safe Spaces include:
- Crib or Pack n’ Play
- Bouncer– place the bouncer by a window (out of direct sunlight) to let them see what’s outside.
- Baby swing
- Play gym– You can set this on the bathroom floor and take a shower– mom win!
- Rock n Play
3- Use Short Bursts
Sometimes you only get a few minutes of downtime in the craziness when you have a newborn.
Capitalize on the brief pauses and get something done… empty the dishwasher, change over a load of laundry, or wipe down the counters.
5 minutes of productivity here and there adds up to a lot of tasks checked off your (long) list.
Capitalize on the brief pauses and get something done… empty the dishwasher, change over a load of laundry, or wipe down the counters. #getstuffdone Share on X
4- Get In A Routine
Start a new habit of doing some of the same things each day at the same time.
For example, I try to start a load of laundry each morning during the week. Then when I get a break in the day, I can change it from washer to dryer.
My husband and I often end up folding clothes after the kids are down for the night.
Start a new habit of doing some of the same things each day at the same time, like a load of laundry. #getstuffdone #startaroutine Share on XI purposefully take a break on at least one weekend day, so sometimes that means doing two loads in a day.
But at least the habit of doing a load each morning keeps dirty laundry from piling up too badly.
This has been a work in progress in different houses, because each time we move with the military, the laundry is in a different location and I have to start a new routine. Once my washer and dryer were in a detached garage on the back of the property.
I was pregnant at the time, so laundry really stacked up during those months!

5- Wear the Baby
I’m not huge on baby-wearing but it does have its perks.
Reasons I don’t wear baby around the house much are:
- It hurts my back
- It throws her off her sleeping routine, and
- It’s hard to bend over or sit down without waking the baby
Still, there are times when it’s necessary.
For me, the main time I wore my third newborn was when everything was chaos in the house and I didn’t have time to settle her down before I solved whatever disaster was happening with the big girls.
I also use my Ergo Carrier in the grocery stores, traveling, or if I’m gone from home all day and need a guaranteed place she’ll nap away from her crib.
6- Bring Baby Along
0-3-month-old babies tend to be extremely portable. We could always take our newborns out to dinner or to visit friends and they would sleep in the car seat.
I also took them to the grocery store or on other errands.
After about three months, our kids became more wakeful and would fuss and require a lot more attention.
If you have your newborn on a schedule, you will have a lot more success taking him or her on an errand, because you’ll know what time of day works best.
And even as baby gets older, a routine allows you to travel with baby without much effort. I flew our youngest to Hawaii when she was 5 months old to meet her daddy for the first time. Her routine helped her sleep so well, even with a three-hour time difference! You can read that story here.
Grab my free “How To Declutter” checklist to get organized and accomplish more! Click this image to download:

7- Use Nap Time To Get Stuff Done
People always told me, “sleep when baby is sleeping.”
But being the productive person that I am try to be, I would always get busy on my to-do list as soon as the newborn zonked out.
I mean, when else can you get anything done???
Ok, so now as a mom of three– who’s had two c-sections– I will say, it is UBER important to get your rest!
For your own sanity, for your body’s healing, and let’s face it… for everyone else’s sanity too. (wink)
8- Ask For Help
Somes you just need an hour or two to yourself to get stuff done without worrying that baby will wake up early from a nap.
Time to bring in the reinforcements.
Ask a family member, friend, or hire a babysitter to watch baby for you.
I know sometimes the thought of leaving your newborn is too scary. The good news is, you can hire a mother’s helper who can help with chores around the house or care for baby while you’re still home.
I’ve used and found great babysitters. (You do have to weed through them a bit). is another site friends have used to find sitters.
9- Access Childcare At The Gym
It might be worth signing up for a gym membership just for the childcare.
I know several moms who go to the YMCA for the sole reason that they can take a nice long shower while their baby was in the kids’ room.
In Virginia, I used to go to the gym and use the wifi for blogging while my oldest played.
- A Safe Space for baby
- Efficiency during down time
- A checklist (Grab mine below if you need one!)
- New habits you do each day to move toward your goals
- A Baby carrier or wrap
- Determination to get out of the house
- A willingness to find/ask for help
- Gym membership
- A Newborn sleep schedule
Sometimes you have to get creative to get stuff done.
And hopefully next time you’re sucked away from your to-do list by the needs of your baby, you’ll be able to get right back to it by putting these tips into action!
To use your time well and make progress on clutter, don’t miss my free printable “How To Declutter” Checklist! Click below download:

I love the words of this article. I think these will work. Thank you for sharing such important information with us.
Thank you!
I remember the days of running a business, homeschooling, and raising babies all at the same time. It definitely wasn’t easy! These are great tips for helping young mother’s to thrive.
Thanks so much Bobbi. Yes I feel like I’m in the thick of it for sure! I appreciate the encouragement =)