As a new mom, it can be super hard to be productive, but it’s possible. Learn how to get stuff done with these amazing tips from moms who’ve been there! Plus grab my free “How To Declutter” Checklist! Click this button to download:

Trying to be productive with a new baby in the house is like running on a treadmill.
You feel like you’re working hard, you’re expending a lot of energy, but turns out you’re actually getting NOWHERE.
Maybe you’ve experienced this before, like me:
One minute you’re trying to soothe baby while rushing to prevent the boiling water from spilling out onto the stove. Then after a quick diaper change, you get baby down for a nap, only to notice the overflowing pile of laundry in her room.
After snatching up the basket and tossing it in the washer, you realize you still have a load of clean laundry to fold… but you don’t have time right now.
Back to the kitchen to try to scrape some cold food into your mouth, when baby starts crying out of the blue.
Round and round we go, putting out fires and cleaning up after our beloved tiny humans.
Table of Contents
Been There?
You might be feeling the way I felt back in my new mom days: “How am I supposed to get anything done when I can’t even keep up with the basics of food and laundry?”
Believe me, if you’ve felt the harried rush of doing everything but you feel like you’re accomplishing nothing, you’re not alone.
We’ve all been there!
I’m excited today to share a tip or two with you from my own experience, PLUS I’ve brought together some incredible ladies with some seriously helpful advice.
These ladies are moms, bloggers, business owners and in other words, professional multi-taskers.
My Favorite Tip That Helped Me Be Productive And Get Stuff Done As A New Mom
Before I send you over to them, here’s my favorite tip that helped me be productive and get a ton done.
I used a gentle newborn sleep schedule that gave me regular pockets of time when I knew I’d have a break.
In the beginning, I could plan times to eat, clean, sleep, shower, and nap. As my baby got older and I got the hang of my new normal, I could use that time for projects, coffee dates, organizing, or whatever I wanted!
It was so nice to have some predictable down time every day when I knew my little ones would be napping. I highly recommend a newborn baby routine!
If you want more help getting control of your stuff so you can be insanely productive, you can start today with my free printable “How To Declutter” Checklist! Click below to download:
Productivity Secrets From Seasoned Mothers
Here are the incredible secrets on how to be productive– from 13 moms who’ve been there!
Let go of the mentally that you have to do it all, let go of pride and ask for help! When we had the twins I sent my friends to the grocery store with a list and cash. They even came back and prepared the meal. If you need lunch then ask them to stop by your favorite sandwich shop to get a quick lunch.
Felicia Tucker of The Ford Girls
My biggest tip for a new mom is to determine what you must do, whats most important that you do, and ask for help for the rest. Then be okay for the help to be done differently than you would do. When I first had my daughter I felt the need to do ALL the things. I was learning how to care for a baby and also trying to make the meals and clean and I nearly lost my sanity. The best thing I could have done was to talk to my husband about what I needed help with and then allow him to help me in his way. I couldn’t micromanage his help!
Ashley Hudson of Undoubted Grace
Picking a daily top 3 changed everything for me! I knew I had 2 naps & post-bedtime to get stuff done baby-free, so I begin planning what 3 things – ONLY 3, so it wasn’t overwhelming too – I needed to accomplish the next day. Example: 1) load of laundry 2) finish blog post 3) straighten up living area. I did one of the three during each nap or after bedtime. Sometimes even a nap was one of my three!! Because?…well, we need to fill up before we can pour out!
Nicole Crangle of Galatiansfivethirteen

We Need A Strategy To Get Stuff Done
Being a new mom is hard and tiring. It feels like you’re in a time warp. During the first few months of my son’s life I felt like I never new what day, or time of day, it was. It was hard to get anything accomplished because I was solely focused on meeting the needs of my son. But unfortunately the world around you doesn’t stop when a new baby is born.
The best thing I did to get stuff done as a new mom was to make a plan. I planned out when I would take care of chores and meals ahead of time. My son was on a schedule, so I knew the rhythm of our day. I would plan ahead when I would nap, get laundry done, make food, shower, or tidy up the house. With a plan I knew what needed to be done (including resting), so that the day didn’t end without marking anything off the to-do list.
Jessica Nunes of Moments of Mamahood
Grab my free “How To Declutter” checklist to get organized and accomplish more, right away! Click below to download:
Be Productive By Doing What Matters Most
Do the things that matter the most. You’ll drive yourself crazy trying to do everything. So focus on the most important things and leave the rest undone or for later. Enlist help from friends, family, husband, kids, anybody with a pulse. Being a new mom is hard work, and you’ll need your energy to recover and take care of your new baby. If you have visitors, ask them to help with a load of dishes, laundry, etc. Keep meals simple and use paper plates when possible. Don’t plan lots of outings or appointments right away. Prioritizing your life goes a long way as a new mama.
Kristi Crosson of Healthy Mom Revolution

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More Tips: How To Get Stuff Done With A Newborn
My best tip for getting things done as a new mom is to use your crockpot to cook! Your crockpot will be your new best friend for cooking dinner, it’s so easy. I liked how I could toss things in and if the baby got fussy I could step away for a minute then add them later.
Audrey of Two Pink Peonies
When I was a new mom, one of the most helpful tricks for getting stuff done was by spending 5 minutes at different points throughout my day to do things. As a new mom, you don’t often have long periods of time to get things done, but you do have 5 minutes here and there.
This may look like taking 5 minutes after breakfast to clean dishes, 5 minutes after everyone is down for a nap to pick things up, and 5 minutes after bedtime to answer emails. Sometimes I would set a timer for 5 minutes and I would be so surprised at how much I could get done in such a short amount of time! As my kids got older, we would set the timer and would work together to get the house picked up before nap time or going outside.
Kristin of Raising Everyday Disciples
Keep a basket in everyone’s room specific for toys and items for your kids. This will help each room stay clutter free and teach your children to be responsible for cleaning up behind him/her self.
Mamie L. Pack of Mamie L. Pack
As a new mom, the Boppy Newborn Lounger was a lifesaver. When people think “Boppy”, they immediately picture the nursing pillow. But the brand’s best product is instead their newborn lounger. In order to get stuff done, I would bring it around the house with me. For instance, if I was doing dishes, the Newborn Lounger would be placed at the edge of the kitchen (on the carpet of course) and I’d place my sleeping son in it.
As he grew older and stayed awake for longer periods, the Newborn Lounger still saved my butt! Somedays it was enough for him to sit in the Lounger and watch me get stuff done. Other days I handed him a developmentally appropriate toy and entertained him with that in the Lounger. I cried real and honest tears when he was three months old and we packed the Lounger up.
Riley Morris of Motherhood Is A Ministry
Just do something little each day – it doesn’t matter how little, you will eventually get there!
Carissa D of Faith and Felt Obsession
Just do something little each day – it doesn't matter how little, you will eventually get there! #newmom #getstuffdone Share on XHow To Be Productive With A Baby In The House
The number one tip I give to new moms who want to get more done but suddenly feel overwhelmed by everything—is to take notice of when. Think about and observe the time in your day. When do you feel most productive? For me if I try to do things at the wrong time it takes me twice as long to do something. But at the right time, I save time.
Sonya Rottman of Healthy Living Mom

There are two things that have made getting stuff done the easiest for me when I was a new mom. I will share one here, and probably the most important of all. You must have a plan for your days. I recently spoke with a young mom, her baby is turning 1 this month! She was so scattered and wondering how to navigate this new stage because what worked doesn’t anymore.
I simply told her, she needed a plan of when she would do her stuff and when she would give her baby 100% of her focus. She could be as detailed as she liked about what she would do, but to know to keep it within some amount of time limit so she could move on to the next thing. And, of course, she would have to plan a general idea of what activities her little girl could do, while mama got stuff done.
Rose Barnett of MomLife Organizer

As a new mom it can feel like there’s never enough time in the day to fit in everything you did pre-baby. My biggest piece of advice is to ask for help! Don’t be afraid to enlist the help of your significant other, family members and friends. Usually loved ones are more then willing and waiting for you to ask. If it’s a significant other, create a regular schedule where you both have time to yourself, whether it’s self care, work, or even catching up on sleep!
Nicole Reid of Home on Poplar Creek
You Can Learn To Be Productive
Mama, life with a new baby is a challenge. You’ll have plenty of days when you’ll end up tossing the to-do list out. Sometimes you just need to cozy up on the couch with your sweet baby and enjoy the moment!
On other days, you’ll get a tiny bit done, and that’s just fine.
And sometimes, especially with the help of the above tips, you’ll rock it out and get a ton done!
Whatever happens, take it one day at a time and know that you’re amazing! You can do this.
Remember This…
Please remember– your value isn’t in how productive you are and what you get done. Your value is in who God made you to be! Your identity rests solely in Him.
So when you get stuff done, you can be proud that you’re accomplishing your goals and moving forward with your plans. And definitely enjoy that you’re growing and learning as a mom.
Just don’t measure your own worth by the results of your efforts, cuz you’re amazing just by being you!

Time To Get Off The Treadmill
So if you’re ready to get off the treadmill going nowhere, it’s time to implement a tip or two from today’s post.
Just pick a couple– trying to do them all will drive you nutzo!
What was your favorite tip from the gems listed above? What’s one thing you want to put into action right away?
Ready to start getting more done? Grab my free “How To Declutter” checklist to be more organized and accomplish a ton! Click below to download: