Looking for the best baby sleeping products for your registry or newborn? Don’t miss Heather’s complete list and insider tips! Plus get a free printable checklist “How To Declutter: Beat The Overwhelm and Easily Start Organizing.” Click this button to download:

I remember it so clearly: laying in bed in the middle of the night, groggily glancing at my phone to check the time.
“Is she going back to sleep, or is she up for good?” I would wonder every time, staring at the video monitor and listening to my baby fuss and squirm.
I’d slip back toward sleep, then she would start to wail and I knew I had to peel myself out of bed.
Table of Contents
Moms = Warriors Of The Night
Regardless of what type of parenting style you have… what method of feeding you do, whether you just fell asleep or you’ve been out for hours, or you use a routine or go minute-by-minute, it doesn’t matter:
You’re amazing!
Plus, all moms with babies experience the sleep-deprivation, the night sessions, the being pulled from a cozy warm bed to face the dim, chilled air.
And it’s tough.
I know, I’ve been there too, with all three of my daughters.
So today my goal is to provide you with an extensive list of the baby sleeping products that have either helped my kids get more sleep, allowed them to sleep in a safe way, or kept them cozied up all night long.
I’ve done the trial and error on these, so you can sit back and relax!
I hope you enjoy the products I recommend! This post may contain affiliate links. For my full disclosure policy, click here
Crib and Baby Sleeping Products For The Bed
1- Newborn Bassinet
There are so many newborn bassinet options, it can make your head spin.
We chose to use a Graco Pack N Play w bassinet. It’s the best pack n play for newborn sleeping right next to the bed, because the bassinet fits up high for easy access. Plus it’s nice to have pockets for wipes and diapers, and it’s super easy to take down.
We traveled with ours quite a bit, and my husband always says that he thinks the person who invented Pack N Plays must be a genius. It’s a must have baby product, for sure, even if you don’t use it for the bassinet feature.
2- Crib + A Crib Secret I Learned
It’s hard to know the best newborn crib when you’re first starting out as a mom.
I finally learned a trick now that our third daughter is old enough to start climbing out of her crib (she’s 2.5).
Our first crib was a white version of this on by Dream On Me. The front rail had a pretty, curved edge. What I didn’t realize is that the curved edge made it easier for my older two to escape. They had an easier grip, and the width of it made it a cinch to slide over.
When we got pregnant with our third, my friend Noralee (of MrsNavyMama), gave us a crib they didn’t need anymore. My younger two are only 14 months apart so we weren’t ready to pass our other crib along to the new baby.
The new crib was the Ikea Gonatt, which has a thin straight rail on top of both rails.
My youngest STILL has not ventured out of it, I think because it’s so uncomfortable to get over that top rail.
All that to say, it’s hard to know what to pick, but consider the size and thickness of the rails in your decision!

3- Crib mattress
Since we had a second crib, I needed another mattress too. We used this crib mattress for Darling’s room. I love the polka dots, though they don’t show under the sheets.
4- Crib sheets
Speaking of crib sheets, always put Chenille sheets on your registry. They’re so soft and it’s important to get the softest sheets you can so they aren’t harsh on baby’s sensitive skin.

Baby Sleeping Products I Haven’t Personally Used
These are some popular products that I haven’t used. Check them out to see if they’re a good fit for your family.
5- Baby Hammock
Baby hammocks are a neat idea. For example, the Crescent Womb Infant Safety bed is designed to mimic the womb and use “natural, breathable, flexible, mesh” to keep baby safe and comfortable. And it claims to adhere 100% to the AAP Guidelines, which is a huge plus!
6- Baby Co-Sleepers
You probably already know from my guides on newborn baby sleep routines and helping baby sleep independently that I’m not a proponent of co-sleeping. However, many moms have found other uses for baby cosleepers or a Dock-A-Tot, such as travel beds or baby resting spot. So it might be worth a look.
7- Snoo Smart Baby Sleeper
My friend used one of these and loved it. It’s super high tech and give you tons of feedback on your baby. Not to mention, it has sensors that signal the bassinet to soothe your baby with white noise or gentle motion. Amazing! It’s pretty pricey, but if you have the means to get one, it could make life with baby a lot easier!
8- Bedside baby crib
My sister in law and brother have this bedside baby crib for their newborn: the Fisher Price Soothing Motions Bassinet. My nephew was just born (yay!) so I don’t have their feedback on it yet, but I’ll add that in here as soon as I do. Fisher Price is a very reliable baby brand, so I’m guessing it will be great.
Swaddles and Sleep Sacks To Keep Baby Snug, Safe and Asleep
Swaddles and sleep sacks are must-haves baby sleeping products. A sleep sack is also called a newborn sleeping bag, because the bottom zips up like the ladybug sleeping bag you have in your garage. Oh wait, that’s what we have in OUR garage. Welcome to the house of all girls!
I love the Halo brand and used a lot of their sleep sacks. I noticed in my research they now have a 3 way swaddle that seemed really cool.
9- Halo 3-Way Swaddle
The Halo 3-Way Swaddle is neat because it’s one product that can work depending on your baby’s age, stage and personal preference.
I’d bought a couple velcro swaddles for my youngest, who ended up hating them because she liked to have her arms free. If I’d had this 3-way one, it would have allowed me to still use it because it gives three options– arms in and down, arms in and up by face, and arms out.
It’s very creative and I highly recommend the Halo newborn swaddle brand, especially since it was developed after the owners own personal tragedy. They are super committed to keeping babies safe!
10- Baby Swaddle Sack
As I mentioned above, my kiddo didn’t like having her arms tucked in. I would skip this Stage 1 swaddle and just get the stage 2 transition swaddle or stick with the Halo one above.
11- Swaddle blanket
We used swaddle blankets until our kids started pulling them loose, then switched over to sleep sacks. They did well with going straight to a sleep sack, though I know some babies need more of a transition bag.

12- Sleep Sacks
Sleep sacks are super important! You don’t want to EVER have any loose bedding or blankets in your baby’s crib or bassinet.
But baby’s gotta stay warm too. The perfect solution? A baby sleeping bag with armholes. There’s no way anything can get bunched or stuck around your baby’s face. Definitely pick up a couple of these.
Read the fine lines when you order your sleep sacks– they come in fleece (fuzzy and cozy for cold weather) or cotton (breathable and light weight for warmer weather).
And make sure you grab the right size for the right season you’re in. You might need both at some point, depending on where you live.
Popular Baby Swaddle Products I Haven’t Personally Used
13- Zippadee Zip
I have a friend who raves about these. They are used as a transition from swaddle to regular sleep sack and provide a snugger fit. Definitely something to check out!
Helpful Baby Sleeping Products
14- Pacifier
Babies sometimes have personal preference for a certain type of paci, but these are typical hospital standard-issue, and it’s what we used.
15- Baby Pajamas
Sanity-saving tip: Only ever buy baby sleepers with zippers! The snaps can get really annoying, especially in the middle of the night when you’re sleep-deprived. We used a lot of Carters stuff. It’s really cute and inexpensive, which is nice since they grow out of everything so fast!

16- White Noise Machine
I didn’t use a white noise machine at first, but now I swear by them! They drown out noises from the rest of the house and can help extend your baby’s sleep. What could be better?!
17- Baby Swing
As mentioned on Healthline.com, The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends “moving your baby from the swing to a safe sleeping place if they fall asleep in the swing. Understanding that the swing is an activity device, not a replacement for a crib or bassinet.”
That said, I’ll admit that we used the baby swing a lot for our second daughter, Blondie. This was before the new recommendations came out, and she loved napping in our living room all cozied up in the swing.
However, since we used a schedule, as she got older (over 3 or 4 weeks) she was easily disturbed in the living room. I knew she would get a longer nap in her crib, so we didn’t use the swing too much for naps after that point.
You have to go with your gut, but it’s important to be up on current safety recommendations and not put your kiddo in unnecessary danger of suffocation.
But I do highly recommend baby swings to keep them entertained, if they like it. A friend gave us ours, and I recommend borrowing or possibly getting second-hand. It’s a pricier item and if your baby hates it, you won’t get your money’s worth out of it.
18- Video Monitor
I think it’s standard procedure these days to get a video monitor for your baby. This is the new version of the monitor we used, but I’ll tell you up front that the old version had some issues with staying charged. It drove me nuts.
However, I wouldn’t write off this newer version because it looks like it’s had some updates. But I can’t personally speak to that. I know there are a ton of fabulous monitors out there.
Which ones are you looking at? let me know in the comments!
With our oldest, I placed her in a pack in play in our room, perpendicular to the bed.
I set up the video monitor on my nightstand, and when she woke up in the middle of the night, I’d check the monitor to see if she was really awake. I’d check on her when she was sleeping soundly, to see if I could see her breathing.
I know– it’s what a overly concerned first-time-mom would do. And you know what? That’s perfectly fine! It gave me peace of mind and helped me sleep soundly, so that’s what I did.
And using the monitor like that helped me keep the lamp off. I didn’t even have to sit up to check on her, and I didn’t need a bright phone light either.
It was a pretty glorious set up.
19- Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit
When my youngest, Darling, was three months old, she was still hanging on to a 4-5 am wakeup. She slept “through the night” which was 6-8 hours. But she kept waking up early.
Way too early for me to actually get up for the day.
So, in a desperate move, I ordered Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit. She slept for an extra 3+ hours, and I was totally sold on the sleep suit.
If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a sleeper that helps babies transition from a swaddle to a sleep sack, or just to stay sleeping a bit longer as in our case.
It works.
It’s made of thick, warm material so it’s very cozy. We used it in the winter in San Diego, and it worked well. But if you’re in the middle of summer with no AC, it might not be the right product at the moment.
Otherwise, give it a shot!
Other Helpful Baby Sleeping Products I Haven’t Personally Used
20- Owlet Smart Sock–
This is an interesting and cool item. It’s a sock that monitors your baby’s heart rate and oxygen levels. I have a friend who used it who said it made her more nervous, because it caused her to constantly think about her baby’s safety.
However, for babies who’ve had a nicu stay or already have shown struggles with oxygen level, this could be a smart choice. Let me know your thoughts about getting one in the comments! Yay or nay?
21- Infant Crib Wedge–
I never had a baby with reflux or an issues lying flat, except for Darling while in the hospital. They propped up her hospital bassinet for some lung drainage, but by the time we got home she was fine being flat.
This OCCObaby Universal Bassinet Wedge gets good reviews, and – SCORE- they also make pregnancy wedges.
And little did I know, but a bassinet wedge is a different shape than a crib wedge. Makes sense, right?
I could see this being helpful for a baby with reflux, or just to have on hand in case baby catches a cold!
Alright you lovely warrior moms– which products will you add to your registry? What do you already have on there, and what did I miss?
Remember that you don’t have to get them ALL. Many you can borrow or get second-hand. Some of them you’ll want new. And your baby may turn her little nose up at a few of them!
But, each of these products can help make your baby’s life a little more snug, safe, or both when it’s time for beddybye!
My baby boy loves swaddling! It was the best tip ever! I knew about swaddling from Susan Urban and her sleep training book – it helped us a lot. Although I was never a swaddling-master… We’ve tried the sack but the effect is not the same.
Great! Yes swaddling only lasted so long for us then it was on to other things like the sleep sack. Glad it worked for you!