Trusting God in hard times is tough, and pregnancy loss is no exception. Learn how Heather experienced God’s goodness throughout her miscarriage journey.

It might have been because we had just had our third miscarriage that the post I read on Facebook caused me so much discomfort.
My friend had just had a baby, and it was cause for much celebration on Facebook. I would never begrudge anyone a new baby post, and I too have celebrated my kids births with joyous Facebook posts. But the words my friend wrote were something like this: “Things were a little touch and go after the birth, and the baby struggled a bit, but God was good and he is doing well now!”
You see, my heart was anchored on to the truth that God is in fact good, but we lost our unborn baby. Three of them, actually. I was clinging onto God’s goodness even when I didn’t get what I desperately wanted, and this post made me pause. My thought was, “God is good and she got to bring her baby home. And, God is good and I lost mine.”
It sounded awkward in my head and felt awkward in my heart…
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Recently I had the privilege of guest-posting over on and I hope you take a minute to read my miscarriage story.
Miscarriage is a topic that only recently has begun to see the light of day. It’s an honor for me to share part of my journey of trusting God in hard times. If you’re wondering how to trust God when life gets hard, don’t miss this post!
For the full story, go here.