I’d been wanting an iRobot vacuum for quite a while, and recently got one. Today I’m answering the question, “Are Roombas are worth it?” Plus get my free “How to Declutter” Checklist! Click this button to download:

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A couple years ago I gave my mom an iRobot vacuum cleaner for Christmas. However as time went on, she didn’t use it a ton, and she ended up giving it back to me.
Getting it was my happiest day in a long time!
But the question was, would it live up to the hype and actually benefit us on a regular basis? I’m sharing my thoughts on that with you today.
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Celebrating The Small Joys (Like iRobot Vacuums)
Seeing the words “my happiest day in a long time” on the screen makes me cringe a bit, but rest-assured, I do know that my life’s joy isn’t wrapped up in a mechanical vacuum.
But my excitement must be a bit higher than usual, because this year has been crazy with so much disappointment.
The little joys in life really seem worth celebrating, don’t they?
Anyway, there’s just something thrilling about getting a machine that’ll vacuum my house for me. I can leave the house and come back and it’ll be clean.
Oh my heavens! What genius invented these things?!

Are Roombas Worth It? 5 Things I Learned
So as you can see, I did love my Roomba from the get-go. But is that love lasting?
Here are 5 things I’ve learned since I’ve had a new Roomba zipping around my house for a couple weeks now. If you’ve been asking “is the iRobot worth it,” this should help you answer that question.
Oh, and did I mention we named the iRobot vacuum cleaner “Death Star”? My oldest is obsessed with Star Wars, and the black round mechanical object floating around our carpets does have a striking resemblance to the Death Star.
So I roll my eyes at the name but also I’ve embraced it. Why not?
1- My kids don’t leave toys out as often because “the Death Star will eat them”
One result of the iRobot roaming the halls regularly is that my kids don’t leave as much stuff around on the floor. My littlest will even clutch a toy and say “I don’t want the Death Star to eat it!”
I consider this development a huge win, since much of my mom-life up to now has consisted of picking up random things the kids dropped on the floor.
2- We’re more focused about cleaning up the playroom
The Death Star “sleeps” in the living room right next to the playroom, so any toys left out would be the first ones destroyed. Each day we spend a few minutes tidying the room.
I’ve also been much better about having them clean up what they were just doing before heading on to the next thing.
Is a roomba worth it? So far it’s a YES for me!

3- The iRobot vacuum picks up tons of dirt each time it runs
I have the iRobot set to run at 1:00pm, three days per week. That time slot is typically when I’m working on the blog and the girls have a bit of screen time. (It helps that they won’t be getting out a huge bin of toys right when the i robot roomba is on the prowl.)
I’d think that since it just ran two days prior, there wouldn’t be much dirt to vacuum. How wrong am I? The filter fills up every single time. This shocked me!
It’s great though, because I have terrible dust allergies. Getting all that extra dust out of the house is a huge plus!
4- The iRobot entertains my kids
The kids follow the iRobot vacuum around and watch it as it bounces off walls, twists, turns, and scoots across the floor. They’re never quite sure which way it will turn next.
I find myself mesmerized by the little disc as well, so I can’t blame them. And hey, anytime the kids are entertained by something other than screens and eating snacks, I’m super pumped.
Now I just have to pull myself away from watching so I can take advantage of their obsession and get something done!
5- It’s one less chore I have to do
I’m not gonna lie, I don’t do a ton of vacuuming anyway because we have house cleaners that come every other week.
Despite that, our house can get pretty dirty in two weeks. So having an automatic vacuum takes another thing off my list and goes above and beyond (because there’s no way I’d vacuum the whole downstairs 3x per week!).

Is An iRobot Vacuum Worth It After All?
All in all, in addition to all those perks, the iRobot is just plain fun to have around.
I’ve noticed that many people have gotten pets while being stuck at home lately. Instead of another animal to clean up after, we ended up getting a mechanical pet that cleans up after us.
Talk about another reason to celebrate!
If you want to get your own Roomba, here’s the one we have: iRobot Roomba 675 (I ordered it on Black Friday)