A Vital Reminder On How To Conquer Insecurities
Today I chatted with a friend who is prego as well, about as far along as I am (22 weeks)
She had been swimming with her son and shared how she felt so insecure about her growing belly.
My heart broke just a tiny bit. Not because she isn’t excited for her baby (she is) or know that it’s all worth it (she does).
But i was sad because in those moments she listened to the voices telling her that people are looking at her, she looks odd, she’s too big, her suit doesn’t fit right, or whatever specific thoughts and insecurities she battled.
She’s beautiful, by the way.
Ladies, pregnancy brings a lot of crazy hormones and emotions.
Our bodies get all out of whack and they might not ever be the same again.
But regardless of the immense value of the baby, how much we know we’ll love him or her, and how we know (we know we know…) all the lines of encouragement…
We have to choose to believe the truth. The truth of where our real value lies:
We are valuable because of the inherent worth placed in us by our Creator. We have individual identities, unique qualities and special purposes for being on this earth.
We HAVE to fight off the enemy in Jesus’ name. It’s not just a battle of will power, it’s a spiritual war for our hearts.
So next time that thought enters your mind that people are looking at you, you look odd, you’re too big, or whatever specific thoughts and insecurities you’re battling…
Stand up, claim your ground, wrap yourself in truth. You are beautiful Mama, and you are valuable beyond measure. ❤️